Many people have asked me about my diabilities & how they limit my ability to create, and I find it important to be upfront regarding it all.

My central issue is Fibromialgia, which keeps me in severe amounts of pain & fatigue on a daily basis, even with medication. While we were able to determine I've had Fibro for much longer, the most affected areas became my dominant hand after breaking it in 2022, and my right leg after a large build-up of cortisol in 2023. This acts in tandum with my Chronic Fatigue & Scoliosis.

In addition, I've been diagonosed with numerous lifelong Neurodivergences. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, Chronic Depression, General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Schizo-Affective Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), as well as several cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Much of my recent work, particularly Null, has been an outlet for me to express what I've gone through over the course of my life dealing with these issues, some of their root causes, and the inability I've had in attempting to make progress in my life due to the circumstances of my situation.

I'm unable to work a retail job, drive a car, or even stand for prolonged durrations of time without issue. Not only am I physically limited in the amount I can create & work each day, my present living envrionment prevents me from Streaming more than Once a Week, recording clean audio, or having any sense of control over the space I occupy. My editing career kept me just above the edge of Bankruptcy before I was finally approved for Social Security benefits after almost 5 years. However, these benefits are nowhere close to livable, and recieving any payments deduct from the amount I'm given the following month.

Which is why my efforts are currently focused on producing art more frequently. If I ever want to have a self sustaining environment, move with my partner, or have a living wage, I need help. I implore you to only support if you're in a financially stable position and absolutely want to. I do not want anyone to feel pressured in any way to do so, and want my art in all forms it takes to be readily accessible to everyone. If you want to help, the links to my Ko-Fi & Twitch are in the header! Ko-Fi gives me a bigger cut of the earnings & you'll get a Thank You in both Null & Worldwalkers' publications, while Twitch gives you emotes.

As of Feb 19: $25.23/month (3 Ko-Fi subs + 5 Twitch subs)

Long Term Goal: $1000/month (273 Ko-Fi subs)